Prairie Ridge
Prairie Ridge
General information
Wednesday, Mar 19, 2025- Hours 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
- Phone 319-848-5100
- Address 278 South Prairie Road SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
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Welcome to Ridge

On behalf of our Ridge staff, welcome to Prairie Ridge Elementary School! We are glad you are a Ridge Rockstar! Prairie Ridge is one of five elementary schools on the College Community School District’s campus. We serve approximately 450 students in grades PreK-4th grade. At Prairie Ridge, our mission is to:
- establish high expectations based on district standards.
- meet all learners’ needs by providing challenging and enriching curriculum and instruction, and continuously monitor students’ progress, using measurable data.
- be committed to and focused on collaborative efforts and continuous reflection to ensure successful learning for students and adults.
To do this, we envision a school where:
- all individuals become successful learners and are able to reach their highest potential.
- all staff members are equipped with effective and research-based strategies and leadership skills that ensure quality learning experiences for all.
- the environment is a safe, nurturing, and inviting place that promotes responsible learning & positive character development
- students are equipped with academic, behavioral, social and emotional skills that enable them to apply their learning in a meaningful context.
Our staff looks forward to serving you and your family. #ridge_rocks! – Amy Beach, Principal, Prairie Ridge Elementary