Pool & Wellness Center Bond Information

For over 2 decades, the Prairie Community has discussed and inquired about providing a pool for our students to increase opportunities for competitive swimming, curricular enhancement and expanded opportunities for students of all grades. This proposed project intends to bring a pool/recreation complex to campus, enhance safety and fan experiences at John Wall Stadium, and enhance facilities used by baseball, softball, boys wrestling and girls wrestling. Additionally, a partnership with the YMCA to operate the district-owned pool and wellness facilities has the added benefit of providing full-service, year-round, multi-generational wellness facilities to a community that has supported our schools.

College Community Schools Announce Bond Election to Build Pool and Wellness Center
Prairie Bond Informational Flyer
Community Informational Sessions
Wednesday, October 11 In Person Session
6:00 – 7:30 PM (College Community District Board Room)
Thursday, October 12 In Person Session
7:30 – 9:00 AM (College Community District Board Room)
Thursday, October 19 Webinar
6:00 – 7:00 PM (Zoom Link)
Monday, October 23 Webinar
8:00 – 9:00 AM (Zoom Link)
Wednesday, October 25 Webinar
6:00 – 7:00 PM (Zoom Link)
Will the project impact my taxes?
Taxes will not increase. Due to decades of responsible financial planning and needs-based facility practices, this project can be completed without impacting/raising the tax levy rate for bonding. We already levy the maximum 4.05/1000 debt service levy. We have been paying debt off early by levying the full amount. The bond repayment schedule will be structured to fit within the $4.05 so the rate stays the same. If it doesn’t pass, we will continue the $4.05 until all debt is paid off.
Design Concepts

YMCA Area Market Feasibility Report
The College Community School District and the YMCA of Cedar Rapids Metropolitan Area performed an extensive Community Needs Assessment for Recreation/Wellness Center which took place in July specifically assessing the feasibility of an onsite pool/aquatics center.