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Get your NEW Prairie Spiritwear Prairie Ridge Elementary with our Annual Spirit Store! Start your 2021-22 school year out with some new Prairie gear. The Prairie Ridge PTO has set up our spirit store…
Fall Picture Date - Sept. 15th Imaging Partners Inc, will be photographing student fall pictures on Wednesday, Sept. 15th. Picture package envelopes and information will be sent home with your child the week of Sept.
Prairie Cheer Clinic - Oct. 6th Clinic for Ridge students is on Wednesday, October 6th from 3:45 to 5:30. Performance will be at the home football game on Friday, October 8th.
Daddy / Daughter Dance Daughter Dance / K through 8th Grade Date: October 2nd / 5:30pm – 7:30pm Hosted by: Prairie Poms Location: Prairie Point RSVP by: September 24, 2021 Cost: $35 per couple, $10 per each…
Ridge Hawk Walk - Oct. 8th Ridge’s biggest fundraiser is the Hawk Walk, and October 8th, 2021 marks our 17th year! Since our school district has a “no sell” policy, Hawk Walk…
Hy Vee Receipts Prairie Ridge is collecting Hy Vee receipts to earn money for our school! Send in Hy Vee receipts with your students. $1 will be earned for every $200 collected…
No School – Monday, October 18th a friendly reminder. . . . . No School Monday, October 18th…
America Reads Day - Friday Oct. 22nd Ridge will be celebrating America Reads day with a school wide pajama day and enjoying some virtual guest readers throughout the day. Parents, grandparents and family members…
Picture Re-take / Make -up date picture make up / re-take date will be on Thursday, November 11th. We have been informed our fall picture packages will be shipped out on Nov. 1st and we…
Ridge Conference Dates Nov. 9th & 11th are being held virtually on Tuesday, Nov. 9th and Thursday, Nov. 11th from 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm. The sign up window will open on Wednesday, October 27th –…