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ECC is Closed December 22, 2022 to the forecasted inclement weather for December 22nd, ECC will be closing for the safety of our families and staff. ECC will be open again…
Ready, Set, Sign up for Prairie Hawk Preschool! Families!!! Ready, Set, Sign up for Prairie Hawks Preschool! 23’24 Preschool Pre-Registration will open on January 2nd!!! If your child will be 4…
Thursday 1/5 NO AM Preschool Morning ECC and Preschool families The CCSD school district has issued a two hour weather delay The ECC will be open for normal…
January 13th, 2023 13th, 2023 PM Preschool is cancelled Preschool wrap around childcare is open until 6:00pm as normal, at your child’s school School age childcare is available to those children who…
January 19th, 2023 NO AM Preschool morning ECC and Preschool families! The CCSD has issued a Two hour delay for January 19th, 2023 ECC will be open with regular…
ECC is Open, No PRESCHOOL! 2/9 has cancelled classes today, 2/9/23, there will be no preschool classes. ECC will be open. All school age programming will be at Hill. Heights 4 year old…
ECC is closed February 16th ECC Families! Due to the weather ECC will be closed today February 16th. There will be no Preschool or school age childcare. Stay Warm!…
2/22-ECC is closed has canceled classes for today February 22nd. ECC will be closed. Please stay safe and warm Thank you!…
ECC will close at 5:00pm on 3/9/23 to the weather conditions the ECC and School age programs will be closing at 5:00PM today Thursday, March 9th. Stay Warm! ECC Staff…
April 4th, 2023 Early Release to the timing of forecasted severe weather, including probability of tornadoes, College Community School District Announces a one (1) hour early release Tuesday, April 4 – ECC closes at…