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Year End Prairie Spiritwear Sale advantage of the year end sale! Gear up for the summer with shorts, tanks, water bottles and beach towels! Everything is 25% off! Click HERE to shop!…
Prairie Hawks Baseball Poster Night NIGHT HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED FOR FRIDAY, JUNE 9TH! Come out to meet the 2023 Prairie Hawks! Get a signed poster from the senior players after the games against Xavier. …
It's Time to Register for 2023-24! started today by registering students for the 2023-24 school year. Please complete at your earliest convenience. All Prairie families MUST complete this electronic form prior to students starting classes…
2023-24 School Supply List’s time to start thinking about the 2023-24 school year! Click here for the College Community Elementary Schools Supply List.
Back to School Busing Ride Along CCSD Transportation Department would like to invite all incoming kindergarten and 1st grade students and their families to attend the “Back to School Busing Ride Along” portion of Open House…
Meet Prairie Hill's New Teachers Holland, 2nd Grade Teacher Kelsea Holland is joining the Prairie Hill team as a new second grade teacher. She grew up in West Branch, Iowa on a…
Cheer Clinic Elementary Students Kindergarten – 4th Grade Registration is open and deadline to be guaranteed a t-shirt and to order additional items is September 6th.
Schoolwide Picnic annual fall schoolwide picnic is on Friday, September 8th, with sack lunches on the big playground. Students can get a sack lunch from school or bring a lunch from…
Fall Picture Day forms will be coming home soon. You will be able to view all products and prepay at
No School Learning Day / Monday, September 18th…