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Fall Picture Day Day is Tuesday, September 26th. Order forms were sent home in student backpacks this week. To order pictures, please return the envelope with payment or pay online…
Homecoming Week 25th – 29th…
Homecoming Spirit Sale -- Friday Morning -
Pool & Wellness Center Bond Information over 2 decades, the Prairie Community has discussed and inquired about providing a pool for our students to increase opportunities for competitive swimming, curricular enhancement and expanded opportunities for…
Hy-Vee Receipts - Cash 4 Students your Hy-Vee receipts and turn into the Prairie Hill School office. $1.00 will be earned for every $200 collected in receipts! Receipts must be dated April 1, 2023 thru…
It's Digital Citizenship Week -
Picture Retake Day!! Picture Retake Day is tomorrow, November 1st. If you missed picture day, please send payment envelope with your child. If you are having your child’s picture re-taken,…
Scholastic Book Fair Families:Get ready! The Scholastic Book Fair is coming our way (YAY!). Choosing their own booksempowers kids and inspires them on their journey to becoming lifelong readers. And asalways, every…
Parent's Night Out to do some holiday shopping without the kids? How about a date night for the two of you? Our PTO has organized a great way to raise money for our school…
Winter Break a reminder that there is no school beginning tomorrow, Friday, December 22nd through Tuesday, January 2nd for Winter Break. District offices will also be closed on December 22nd, 25th,…